Network Defense: Trouble in the Stack by Rik Farrow and Richard Power In September of 1997, the network staff at a large Univeristy noticed that network load has suddenly peaked. Using a network monitor, the staff discovered that their network has been flooded with ICMP echo responses (Ping replies). The replies are heading out of their router, to a single host which is also the victim of this attack. Welcome to the world of denial of service attacks using easily obtainable tools. This attack used a program named smurf.c, and could have been easily blocked by the router at the border between the university's network and the Internet. Application gateway firewalls would have also blocked this attack, as would correctly configured stateful packet filtering firewalls (although the default behaviour of many SPF firewalls would be to permit this attack). The last six months of 1997, and the beginning of 1998, saw many new attacks based on an intimate knowledge of the TCP/IP protocol. In March, a series of automated attacks crashed Windows NT and 95 systems coast-to-coast, using a variant based on earlier attacks. These systems were vulnerable even if they had already been patched. Attacks like this one require more than packet filtering to stop them. But many attacks can be prevent by correctly configuring your routers. Simple Things Router based defenses can defeat all IP source address spoofing. The catch is that every ISP would need to implement this defense using packet filters. RFC 2267, posted in January 1998, explains the rationale for blocking packets with spoofed source addresses ( This RFC was written in response to attacks begun in 1996, the SYN Flood attack, in which an attacker uses software to simulate the opening of a TCP connection. The source address of the connection in this attack is spoofed, that is, crafted and not correct, so that acknowlgements to the simulated opening will never be responded to. Often, the source addresses are chosen from a pool of Private Network addresses (RFC 1918), which by design will not be routed within the Internet. The authors of the RFC, Paul Ferguson of cisco Systems, Inc. and Daniel Senie of BlazeNet, Inc., suggested a solution for Internet Service Providers (ISPs): block packets with spoofed source addresses. ISPs know all of the network addresses for which they advertise routes, and can use packet filtering so that only packets which include these network addresses as source addresses can enter the Internet. While some spoofing would still be possible (one ISP customer could spoof another customer's address), this would stop most attacks based on source address spoofing. The weakness of RFC 2267 is that all ISPs must participate for this to work. Some of the attacks which RFC 2267 was designed to prevent may have come from the ISPs themselves. SYN Flooding is a denial of service (DOS) attack designed to make TCP servers, such as Web servers, unresponsive. It is easy to imagine one ISP sabotaging another ISP's Web servers in the hopes of driving away the attacked ISP's Web customers. More realistically, most ISPs are not motivated to attack their competitors, and the technical difficulty, or the performance penalties encountered when packet filters are used, result in many ISPs ignoring RFC 2267. You can prevent packets with spoofed source address from leaving your own networks by applying a similar packet filter on the interfaces of routers which connect you to the Internet or other networks. Although you might consider it unlikely that your network might be the source of an attack, your users might try some experiments on their own--ones which would be very embarassing if traced back to your site. Smurfing Other denial of service attacks require the use of source address spoofing. The ICMP directed broadcast attack, made popular by the appearance of the smurf tool in the summer of 1997, affects two networks. The attacker, using a spoofed source address in the smurf tool, sends ICMP echo requests (the same packets used by Ping) to the directed broadcast address of a victim network. The directed broadcast address consists of the network portion of an IP address, and all ones for the host portion of the address. For example, for the network, the directed broadcase address would be By using the directed broadcast address, the attacker's ICMP packets will be routed across the Internet to the victim's network. Once in the target network, most IP stacks will respond to a broadcast address (255 in this example), by replying. In the smurf attack, the computers in the victim network send ICMP echo replies back to the source--another victim, as the source address used was spoofed. So two networks can be attacked simultaneously using this attack. A small stream of ICMP packets results in a much larger response (from all computers responding to the broadcast address), swamping both victims' networks. There are no applications which rely on directed broadcast for their correct functioning. Implementation of RFC 2267 can stop the packets with spoofed source addresses--when it is universally applied. But you can configure your own routers to block directed broadcasts. A packet filter which blocks packets with a destination address containing all one's in the host portion will stop this attack cold. Cisco routers now support a configuration option, "no ip directed-broadcasts", which will block all directed broadcast (or permit only those which match an optional access control list). Some earlier attacks based on spoofed source addresses relied on source routing to route reply packets back to the attacked. Again, Cisco routers make this easy to block by using the command "no ip source-route". Most modern routers will permit you to drop source routed packets, which are not required by any application, but are sometimes used by network administrators to test their own networks. Fragmentation Attacks Another attack tool appeared in the summer of 1997. Teardrop initially was used to test an implementation problem in Linux TCP/IP stacks. TCP/IP stackes handle packets which are too large to transmit across a network by fragmenting them. Flags are set in the IP header, and the fragments are not reassembled until received by the destination computer's IP stack. It was noticed that the code which reassembled fragments on Linux systems did not check to see if a received fragment had a shorter length than a previously received fragment. When the number of bytes to copy to reassemble the packets was calculated, the result was a negative number--or, since operating systems expect unsigned numbers, a very large postive number. The resulting copy operation overwrote much of memory, typically crashing the system. Linux users, for the most part, quickly patched their systems. Users of Windows NT and Windows 95 with the Winsock 2.0 update were not as lucky. Teardrop quickly became a favorite denial of service attack. The attack used ICMP echo request packets (permitted by many packet filters and stateful packet filter firewalls), and so was effective against computers which were supposed to be protected by firewalls. Firewalls using application gateways based on UNIX systems were not vulnerable to this attack because these firewalls reassemble packets before forwarding them (thwarting this class of attacks), and in many cases, always block ICMP packets of any type. A more recent version of this attack appeared in March of 1998. This is the attack mentioned at the opening of this column which crashed Windows NT and 95 systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Northwestern University, the University of Minnesota and University of California campuses in Berkeley, Irvine, Los Angeles and San Diego. Unclassified Navy computers connected to the Internet also crashed on Point Loma and in Charleston, South Carolina, Norfolk, Virginia, and elsewhere. This attack used UDP packets instead of ICMP packets, and instead of using a fragment size resulting in a negative number, simply used a very small fragment size. The attack tool, bonk.c, showed up on security mailing lists within days of the first reported attack. In this case, routers, and packet filtering firewalls, could have been of help in preventing this attack. However, many of the attacks used port 53, the same port used by the Domain Name Service, and easily slipped through stateful packet filters with default configuration and many other packet filtering firewalls as well. Application gateways firewalls based on UNIX systems easily blocked this attack. Land The Teardrop attack affected versions of Linux before 2.0.32 (Caldera Linux) and Microsoft NT and patched Windows 95 systems. A CERT Advisory, CA-97.28.Teardrop_Land, includes a list of affected vendors and contact information. This advisory also described the Land attack, which affected many UNIX systems, as well as Windows NT and 95 systems. The Land attack uses spoofed source addresses, and so would be blocked with total compliance with RFC 2267. The trick to this attack is to simulate a TCP connection, but use the victim's own IP address as the source address. The victim computer than attempts to contact itself in order to respond to the simulated connection, and this may result in the system crashing. Unlike the Teardrop attack, the Land attack affected many versions of UNIX, and also the IP stacks of some routers and switches. Denial of service attacks makes networks unusable, and/or crash computers. They do not permit the attacker to breakin and gain access to a command prompt or to read or write files. Still, as computers and networks have become an essential part of businesses and the economy, their financial impact is difficult to calculate yet significant. One question that often arises is why do these problems appear in the TCP/IP protocol, which has been in use for over twenty years? Why weren't these problems discovered earlier? The answer lies partially in the complexity of software, and also in the existence of new implementations of TCP/IP stacks. DOS attacks such as the SYN Flood or Land were not anticipated by the designers of TCP/IP and the programmers who wrote TCP/IP stacks. In the SYN Flood attack, a packet is sent which uses a non-routable source address, something which makes no sense at all when you are designing a connection-oriented protocol. The assumption likely made by the programmers is that if a packet requesting a connection has been received, and yet there is no route back to the source, the condition must be temporary, and the solution is to keep trying until either the retry count is reached or the route becomes established. In the attack, there never will be a route, and the connection queue becomes full with the attacker's packets, blocking legitimate connection requests. The Teardrop attack represents flaws in newer, less tested, TCP/IP stacks. Most UNIX vendors use TCP/IP stacks which all had a single source: a port of TCP/IP to the Berkeley UNIX system supported by the Department of Defence's Advanced Project Agency (DARPA) back in 1982. These TCP/IP stacks have shared the same periods of trials and testing during the eighties, giving them an equal chance to be debugged. These versions have since diverged of course. In the Land attack, SUN's Solaris operating systems were not vulnerable but its older SunOS, as well as HP/UX versions 9-11 (unpatched) were vulnerable. For vendors with newer TCP/IP stacks, such as Microsoft, or the Linux community, their implementations are receiving a trial by fire which is uncovering flaws. Linux systems and Windows NT/95 computers are usually attached to networks, and many of these networks are not adequately protected by firewalls (or perhaps, not protected at all). So it is possible for a single, new attack to affect thousands of computers around the world. Homogeneity will make attacks like these more common. The Internet Worm in November of 1987 took advantage of bugs found mainly on Sun systems, but differed in that the Worm actually uploaded and executed itself on each affected machine. Denial of service attacks do not involve the execution of code remotely introduced, but flaws in the victim which cause it to become unresponsive. Application gateway firewalls were also notably more successful in blocking these attacks than routers or stateful packet filtering firewalls. Routers and various packet filtering firewalls do not reassemble fragmented packets, but only check to see if the filter rules, checking information in the first fragment, permit this packet to pass through the firewall. Application gateway firewalls completely reassemble packets before they even reach the firewall engine where they will be tested against a rulebase. Application gateway firewalls also intercept ICMP packets, generally making the network behind the firewall invisible to ICMP packets from external networks. Many ICMP packets are useful and important to the correct functioning of TCP/IP, and application gateway firewalls handle the interpretation of these packets and respond appropriately--but without copying these packets to internal computers. So they do better against both fragmentation based attacks and attacks involving ICMP. The correct configuration of your routers should not be ignored. Routers form the first line of defense (and sometimes the only line of defense) between your network and a hostile Internet. Not only should you defend your network against attacks, but defend the Internet (and other networks) from attacks from your own network by apply the concepts in RFC 2267 to your own border routers. In a column later this year, we'll talk more about protecting your networks with routers. Resources: CERT Advisories: RFC 2267 (note that this server may be moved this Spring): Information about patches for the Teardrop attack on Windows NT/95: Patch information for the Land attack on Windows NT 4.0: hotfixes-postSP3/land-fix/Q165005.txt Patch information for the Land attack on Windws 95: hotfixes-postSP3/land-fix/Q177539.TXT